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Essentially, the hormonal hypersecretions related to pregnancy are responsible for body changes and in particular those of the skin During the first pregnancy, it is legitimate to worry: all kinds of questions come to mind for future mums. Do not panic, these changes are very common. Sometimes you may find them unsightly, sometimes they will be difficult to bear. Remember that it is often possible to reduce their impact and discomfort. Here are a few tips.

The mask of pregnancy

They are brown spots localised on the forehead, cheekbones, temples and around the mouth that create a mask. It usually appears from the fourth month of pregnancy. It comes from the strong increase in hormone levels which causes an increase in melanin synthesis (source of tanning). It is especially seen among brunette women with olive skin. This mask usually disappears within six months after delivery. However, in some rare cases it may persist beyond that period and be difficult to treat.

What can you do?

As a precaution, avoid exposing your face to the sun. To do this, protect yourself from the beginning of your pregnancy and not just on the beach. Think of it as an every day reflex as well: irradiation on a clear day can be enough to trigger the phenomenon. It is highly recommended to maintain this vigilance for several months after delivery. If the mask appears and persists, see a dermatologist. Depending on the case, he or she will prescribe a vitamin B-based treatment or the application of depigmenting ointments.

Swollen breasts

The breasts, which have nine months to prepare to produce breast milk, are particularly affected by the hormonal upheaval triggered by pregnancy. They will become hard, heavy and sensitive. They also change in size and colour. In some women, small bulges that are on the surface of the areola become more apparent and sometimes look like small balls. These changes are normal. Most of the time they are without consequences: the breasts return to their normal appearance after pregnancy or breastfeeding. However, some mothers may find that their breasts are not quite the same after pregnancy.

What can you do?

The skin on this part of the body is very fragile. To prevent the weight of your breasts from distending it, wear a suitable bra. Do not hesitate to test them. You can also boost the tone of your skin by taking cold water showers. Also, carry out light daily massages: hands flat, move from the nipple to the shoulder.

Stretch marks

Stretch marks are very common during pregnancy. They appear primarily on the stomach, breasts, thighs and hips. They are small tears in the skin with two causes. A too rapid weight gain causes a sudden distension of the skin which has the effect of breaking its elastic fibres, in particular collagen. It is also a reaction to an over secretion of cortisol, a hormone that weakens the elastic fibres. There is a real inequality regarding the arrival of pregnancy stretch marks in women. While their appearance is mainly due to the quality of the skin and its collagen and elastin  content, certain genetic factors may make you more or less prone to develop them during your pregnancy.

How do they develop?

Upon healing, pregnancy stretch marks fade. Gradually, their colour changes from bluish to pearly white. However, it is rare for them to completely disappear. While the smaller ones can be erased and only leave a slight depression, the bigger ones remain visible.

What can you do?

There is no miracle cure that can prevent he appearance of stretch marks. Only a few preventive actions will help you to delay their arrival or limit their effects. First of all, do not put on too much weight too fast. Drink lots of water and eat a healthy and balanced diet. You can also massage your body with special anti-stretch mark products or natural massage oils. If they appear despite all your precautions, do not expose them to the sun.